Are contracts being upheld? Do you need assistance locating assets? Has your client suffered financial losses only to discover that a business partner is fraudulent? Is the partner hiding behind a complex corporate or personal structure, or perhaps even fled abroad? Knowledge creates clarity, and information empowers action. We provide a comprehensive view of events and background details, meticulously documenting processes to enable informed decision-making. With years of experience in surveillance management, our dedicated surveillance team employs the latest technology to clarify facts and provide court-admissible documentation. We conduct efficient, court-admissible investigations into economic crimes, such as information leaks (industrial espionage), breaches of employment contracts (e.g., non-compete or sick leave fraud), and product theft. We gather court-admissible evidence to support justified dismissals or terminations for cause. Investigating and providing court-admissible evidence of a breach of a non-compete clause by an employee. We perform in-depth reviews of businesses offered for sale, ensuring transparency and informed decision-making. Our in-house technician advises and plans covert video surveillance solutions tailored to customer needs. We verify disability claims to prevent fraud and misuse. Identifying and investigating breaches of competition laws, with court-admissible results. We assess the scope and nature of employee activities to ensure compliance with contractual obligations. We conduct comprehensive, and if necessary, global investigations to identify perpetrators and locate fraudsters. Forensic analysis to clearly identify a perpetrator. Our forensic experts provide clear identification of perpetrators through fingerprint analysis. Bug detection in private or business premises by our highly trained technician using state-of-the-art and expensive technology. Our highly trained technician uses state-of-the-art technology to detect bugs in private or business premises, ensuring complete privacy protection. Your tailor-made solutions for economic crimes, legal support, social welfare fraud, surveillance, protection measures, and cyberstalking consultations. Companies
In-depth Investigations Based on Years of Experience
Our wide range of investigative services includes:
Surveillance (technical and personal)
Corporate and Industrial Investigations
Monitoring of Field Workers
Non-Compete Enforcement
Due Diligence
Video Surveillance and Installation
Evidence Collection for Alleged Disability
Unfair Competition Investigations
Investigations into Alleged Disability and Non-Compete Breaches
Fraud Investigations
Fingerprint Analysis
Counter-Surveillance (Bug Detection)
Trust Privatdetektei Ryffel AG for discreet and professional investigations since 1995.